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كورسات أنجليزي .. جديد
تم أنشاء قسم جديد خاص بكورسات اللغة الأنجليزية.
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It's an ancient Egyptian word, which means "to answer" or "the answerer". Shaptis are small figures represents male and female workers, were placed with the deceased in his tomb to help him in the afterlife. The main function was to carry out heavy manual tasks. They were inscribed with a special formula, and often the deceased's name and titles. They were represented in mummy-form looking like god Osiris during the middle kingdom, but in the new kingdom they had the farmer-form carrying hoes, seed bags and water pots.
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إرسال تعليق
" يمكنك كتابة تعليقك فى الأسفل "