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Tanagra and figurines from the National Museum

أولا: المتحف القومى 


الموقع: شارع فؤاد.
نبذة تاريخية:
كان المتحف فى البداية عبارة عن قصر مملوك لأحد أثرياء الأسكندرية (أسعد الباسيلى باشا) , تم التخطيط للقصر بواسطة مهندس فرنسى على الطراز الأيطالى , تم الأنتهاء من بناءه فى عام 1928م. فى عام 1953م تم بيعه للقنصلية الأمريكية , وفى عام 1996م قامت وزارة الثقافة المصرية بشراءه.
مكونات المتحف:
-         مأوى أرضى كان يستخدم أثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية , أما الأن فهو مستخدم فى عرض الأثار الفرعونية و يحوى أيضا المقبرة التى تحوى توابيت خشبية و أوانى كانوبية بالأضافة ألى بعض الرموز الدينية.
-         الدور الأول: يضم الأثار اليونانية الرومانية.
-         الدور الثانى: يضم الأثار القبطية و الأسلامية.  

ثانيا: التماثيل

1-    Tanagra Statuettes
قبل وصف أى قطعة مرتبطة بالتناجرا لا بد من معرفة أن هناك نقاط مشتركة فى الوصف مثل:
1-     Made of terra-cotta.
2-     Shown in relaxed position.
3-     Shown with cute face.
4-     Bearing the Hellenistic features (Clothes and the hair style).
5-     Wearing Greek costumes (clothes) Himaton and Chiton.
6-     Some times wearing a hat is called "Betasos" (a light hat with broad edge or pointed).
7-     Majority of Tanagra statuettes are painted in different colors like (Blue, Red, Green and white).


- Tanagra statuette made of terracotta.
- Representing a standing lady.
- She is wearing Betasos (a light hat with broad edge).
- She is wearing Greek costumes (Himaton and Chiton).
- The left leg is bent and supported by the right leg.
- The statuette bears colors which mean that it was painted in different colors like (Blue and Red).


- Tanagra statuette made of terracotta.
- Representing a standing lady with red hair.
- She is wearing Greek costumes (Himaton and Chiton).
- The right leg is bent and supported by the left leg.
- The statuette bears colors which mean that it was painted in different colors like (Blue and Red).


- Tanagra statuette made of terracotta.
- Representing a standing lady.
- She is wearing Greek costumes (Himaton and Chiton).
- The statuette bears colors which mean that it was painted in different colors like (Blue and Red).


- Tanagra statuette made of terracotta.
- Representing a standing lady with red hair.
- She is wearing Greek costumes (Himaton and Chiton).
- The statuette bears colors which mean that it was painted in different colors like (Blue and Red).


- Tanagra statuette made of terracotta.
- Representing a standing lady with red hair on the reek style.
- She is wearing Greek costumes (Himaton and Chiton).
- The statuette bears colors which mean that it was painted in different colors like (Blue and ….).


- Tanagra statuette made of terracotta.
- Representing a standing lady with red hair.
- It bears the Hellenistic features (hair, clothes)
- The statuette bears colors which mean that it was painted in different colors like (Blue and Red).

2- Figurines
مجموعة التماثيل القادمة مختلفة عن التناجرا فى عدة خصائص و هى:
1-     One of the characteristics of Alexandrian art.
2-     They were made of different materials like (Terracotta-Bronze).
3-     Representing daily life activities of the ancient society.
4-     Representing different ranks, nationalities.
5-     Representing Different types like (slaves, dwarf, children, etc…)


-          Terracotta figurine from the Hellenistic period.
-          It represents a lying child.
-          It is painted in white color.


-          Terracotta head from the Hellenistic period.
-          It represents a head of a woman wearing a veil.
-          It is painted in white color.


-          Terracotta figurine of Harpocrates from the Hellenistic period.
-          He is wearing the Lotus crown.
-          It is painted in white color.


-          Terracotta figurine representing a horseman maybe Harpocrates from the Hellenistic period.


 -          I am not sure about the character but it has the same description.

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